Let me tell you, "junky" is a nice term. I have been in a marketing/advertising reading and writing marathon
for the last three weeks. I've been in what I call the "vortex" of developing my
presence on the web so that I can share information with you, my dear
audience and followers.
Most everyone who writes on the subject about
building traffic to your website will tell you you have to have lots and
lots of content (blogs, stories and photos about your product and
services), get listed on lots of site directories and social media.
are a lot people who will tell you that you can do this quickly and
easily. They may even charge for a single format that will do this.
From what I can see, it ain't so. Not that there aren't ways to get
some of it done through individual sites but in general, you have to
take time and go out there an enter information yourself.
One of the sites for content contribution is SubmitYourArticle.com This
site will take your articles and blast it out to other content publishing
websites worldwide. What this does is builds traffic back to your
website. In the coming weeks, I will put together an e-book with
everything I have learned and give it to you.
goal is to provide you with great information that will help you
develop your small business into a powerhouse. Saying, that, I found a
really great article for you to look at this week: